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- From Info-Paranet Newsletter # 293
- From: Paul.Faeder@p0.f0.n1010.z9.FIDONET.ORG (Paul Faeder)
- Subject: Coverh.ufo 1
- Date: 22 Aug 90 03:55:23 GMT
- This and the following 2 messages are written by Phil Imbrogno who has given
- me permission to upload them into the ParaNet message base.
- Filename: COVERH.UFO
- Goverment Coverup of a Classic UFO Case?
- By Philip J. Imbrogno
- What ever UFOs are they do exist and the phenomenon is world wide! Over
- the past thirty-five years most un-biased UFO research that has been made
- available to the general public has been by civilan organizations and
- individual investigators. A question often asked by members of the media to
- UFO researchers is"After all these years what have you found out?" The
- answer to this question is we found out plenty. We have proven by the great
- number of case studies,video tapes, and Goverment documents that UFOs are
- real! A recent Gallop pole showed that most Americans believe that UFOs
- exist. It has also been shown, due to the great efforts of Citizens Against
- UFO Secrecy(CAUS) that when it comes to UFOS, our Goverment knows more than
- it's telling.This is apparent in the multitude of documents that CAUS was
- able to obtain under the Freedom Of Information Act. Still, quite a few
- documents were witheld because of reasons of National Security.
- During September of 1987,just before the publication of my book NIGHT
- SIEGE THE HUDSON VALLEY UFO SIGHTINGS,I received a certified letter from
- the Federal Aviation Administration(FAA). The letter stated that I would be
- contacted very shorty by an officer of the Airforce in regards to my
- investigations into the UFO phenomenon in the Hudson Valley.The letter went
- on to say that I would be contacted by a Lt. Col. Bennet whose official
- title was the officer in charge to the Airforce's represenative branch to
- the Federal Avaiation Administration.
- About one week later I received a call from a Major Andrews of the
- Airforce from Burlington Mass. He told me that the Airforce was well aware
- of the sightings in the Hudson Valley and that they have been collecting
- reports over the past ten years. He said that there was no official
- investigation into the sightings,but still they do check out reports of
- unkown aircraft reported by the FAA. I talked with Major Andrews for over
- forty minutes and the main concern of the Airforce seemed to be that the
- publication of NIGHT SIEGE might cause a UFO panic in the Hudson Valley and
- nearby area.Major Andrews informed me that there were secret military
- flights over the area,the purpose of these missions he did not know.He then
- agreed to send me information that he had in his files about UFO reports in
- the area. He then asked if I would keep him updated on the locations of new
- sightings.His interest, he said was just personal. This seemed a little
- strange to me,since when does the Airforce call a UFO investigator
- regarding a UFO case.I believe that I was one of the first civilians in a
- very long time that was contacted by the Airforce via telephone in the past
- twenty years. This must mean that what ever the Hudson Valley UFO was,the
- Airforce was very interested in it.
- About five days later I received the packet of UFO material from Major
- Andrews. In it were some documents from local bases and the FAA regarding
- UFO sightings. There were also quite a few letters sent to the FAA and the
- Airforce from residents in the New York, Connecticut and Massachussetts
- area who have had UFO sightings. The oldest of these reports dated back to
- 1972. What was puzzling was the fact that some of the letters were
- addressed to local newspapers,several of the national tabloids and a well
- known author on the UFO phenomena,but how did they get into the hands of
- the Airforce? I contacted this well known author who informed me that he
- never got the letter.
- There was one curious memo dated August of 1983 from the FAA at Kennedy
- Airport asking where they should send a UFO report. The bottom of the memo
- indicated that the report was sent to the Department of the Airforce in
- Washington D.C.I called them and was told that reports of "UNKOWNS" are
- channeled to other"concerned agencies" and that procedure is protected
- under National Security. Then the woman who I was talking to after taking
- my name and address politely hung up on me.
- Was there a connection between our Goverment and the UFO sightings in the
- New York area? If so what was the connection? Was there an experimental
- craft belonging to the Airforce being tested in the area,or was the UFO
- that has been now spotted over most of New England the product of an alien
- intelligence? I was not sure,but it was quite clear there was some type of
- Goverment involvement. This was to be more evident as the months went on.
- There have been literly thousands of UFO sightings in the Northeast since
- 1982.The center of concentration of the sightings seems to be around the
- Hudson Valley of New York. Here my research team and I centered our
- investigation.We have been researching these sightings since 1982 and by
- 1987 we had hundreds of reports entered on our computer's floppy disks.We
- found out that the majority of reports took place on a Tuesday, Thursday
- and Saturday night from 8-11 PM. The center of activity within the high
- concentration of reports in the Hudson Valley was around the Kent New York
- area. Interesting enough,highway I-84 was right in the middle of this area.
- This information was made avaialble by use of the computer, without it,this
- would have taken months to fiqure out.
- For the past several years the UFO sightings seemed to have taken
- somewhat of a pattern. On certain days of the month it would appear in an
- area at a certain time,then disappear in another location. We thought we
- did indeed spot some type of pattern and with the help of our computer
- predicted the next sighting date to be on October 29 1987 at about 8:20 Pm
- around the Kent-Brewster New York area. This information was obtained on
- October 15th,plently of time to prepare and check our data.
- We prepared four cars,all equiped with CB radios and decided to use
- highway I-84 as the center of our operations. We also had one car with a
- police scanner so that we can listen in to police in the area.In the past
- local and State police were the first to get reports of the UFO.
- We then started driving on Highway I-84 West bound at about 8:10 pm. Each
- car was spaced about two miles apart. I was in the second car and at 8:20
- PM I lost communication with our lead car. As I approached a rest stop just
- before the Taconic Parkway turn off I saw our lead car pulled over to the
- side of the road. The driver was Chris Clark and he was already out of the
- car looking at a group of lights in the northern section of the sky. I
- stopped the car and got on my radio to inform the others "That we had
- something strange here" I then instructed the other cars to pull off to the
- side of the road since the lights seemed as if they were going to head
- east,in their direction.
- I then got out of the car and saw a formation of about eight yellowish
- white lights,very bright heading straight for our location. Chris said that
- he had been observing them for five minutes and they did a kind of "dance"
- in the sky before they took on the present shape.The lights appeared now
- like a straight line,Much brighter than the landing lights of a plane. They
- were about forty degrees above the horizon and moving very slow in our
- direction.
- As we watched the lights we heard no sound at all.It was then I realized
- that this was the Hudson Valley UFO, the one I had been tracking for the
- past five years. The lights continued to approach,then they moved
- sideways,then began heading east. At no time did I see a physical structure
- connecting the lights,but they moved so smoothly and in such perfect order
- that I could not imagine them being separate objects. At this point I could
- see the back of it and it appeared to be in a boomerang shape.,I then saw
- about eighteen other lights of various colors, The purest reds, Greens and
- ambers that I ever saw. The back seemed to be made up of red lights
- only,while the middle had red lights,green and amber and blue. The front
- was composed of these very bright yellowish-white lights.
- I then called on the radio to Fred Dennis who was about two miles east of
- my position on I-84. There was also another car between Fred and myself. I
- Said"Fred, Its heading in your direction" At that time I lost the object
- over a hill. Fred then got out of the car with his binoculars looking all
- around for something. He said to himself" What are they seeing,there's
- nothing here" He radioed back to inform us that he saw nothing in the sky.
- Then his voice went silent. About forty seconds later Fred got back on the
- radio and yelled," I SEE IT, IT's HUGE". It seems as Fred was scanning the
- skies the UFO came out from behind a hill that was blocking the North west.
- Fred then observed it with his binoculars. The object was so huge,he said
- that it spilled out of the field of view. This would make it an enormous
- object since the field of view with those binoculars is 500 feet at a
- thousand yards.
- The object was observed by every member of our team. One of our
- researchers also had it in binoculars as it passed right over his car. He
- reported a series of multicolored lights attached to some type of dark grey
- structure. The object was so colorful against the clear night sky that it
- looked like a Christmas Tree.
- The UFO continued to head toward the east,to Danbury Connecticut. We were
- still all heading West,so we had to get off the exit and get back on the
- other side of I-84 and head east. We did this and started heading east. The
- time was now 8:55 pm. We drove for about five minutes and then saw the
- object again,this time it was going west! We stopped our cars and watched
- it drift slowly ,just above the hills at an estimated distance of three
- miles from the highway. We watched it for about five more minutes. We saw a
- multitude of red lights which made up the back of the object. As we watched
- it all the lights went out and the UFO simply vanished before our eyes.
- We were all quite excited by what we saw. At the time of the sighting
- there were also other cars pulling over to the shoulder of the highway also
- observing the object. We could also hear the Truck drivers talking about it
- over the CB radio.We learned later that the object was seen in the Danbury
- Connecticut area nd hovered above a main road for several minutes. Most of
- the people who saw it in Danbury indicate it was at least the size of a 747
- and was no more than 1,000 feet in the air. One couple in Danbury
- Connecticut reported that as it hovered above their car,the UFO began to
- descend, this really upset them. As they watched it,the UFO then slowly
- gained altitude then it moved away to the west.A for our team we did have a
- video camera and still cameras,but were disappointed the way the pictures
- came out.
- It is not common for UFO investigators to see the UFO that they are
- researching. With all the sightings in the Hudson Valley and the entire
- northeast it was only a matter of time before we got a real good look at
- the UFO,and we did! We had thought we had found a real pattern to the
- appearance of the Hudson Valley UFO,but when we tried to predict later
- sightings we saw nothing. Therefore we must assume that our sighting was a
- coincidence and if there was a real pattern to the UFO we had not yet found
- it.
- In the days to follow we received dozens of letters and many phone calls
- from people in the area who also saw it that same night.We got one report
- that was to provide a lead to a possible coverup of the UFO sightings. This
- report indicated that after the UFO disappeared about twenty minutes later
- a formation of planes was seen tracing the exact same route that the UFO
- took.
- Coverup
- ---------
- Make no mistake about it,there is a real unkown object in New York's
- Hudson Valley. Since the publication of NIGHT SIEGE there has been a
- regular appearance of a formation of planes over New York and Connecticut.
- Members of our research team have spotted them on numerous occasions. These
- planes were also observed in binoculars by several independent witnesses.
- We had these people draw the outline of the shapes of the planes that they
- saw. The drawings were all very similar,so we sent them to two pilots that
- we know. One is a ex-military pilot,the other a ex-commercial pilot who
- used to fly missions for the CIA.All of our aircraft experts and our two
- pilots agree that the desgin was that of an O-2 type aircraft. The O-2 is a
- medium duty aircraft with a single engine. It is made by Cessna Aircraft.
- It is capable of long range and is used by the CIA for surveillance
- missions. It has a very quiet "souped up" engine and the newer models have
- on board flight computers in them for greater stability in the air.We have
- reports that as many as eight planes were seen flying together in a tight
- formation with the winds gusting up to twenty-five miles an hour!
- They seem to be trying to fake a UFO and many people feel that it is an
- attempt to discredit the sightings and to try to convince everyone that all
- they saw was a bunch of planes. These planes have been seen only on a
- Thursday night,the official night the Airforce flies night manuvers. They
- have been seen all over Southern New York and most of Connecticut.
- They fly for about two hours and then they land,but where? They have been
- seen circling Stormville Airport in Stormville, New York giving the
- impression that they are going to land there. They then break formation and
- head West(One plane has been reported landing at Stormville then taking off
- again). On more than one occasion they have been tracked to Stewart
- International airport(an old airforce SAC base) in Newburgh New York.
- Stewart is located West of the Hudson River not far from I-84. The base is
- official operated by the Air National Guard and the Marine Corps. The
- planes then land,one at a time over a period of one hour,but not on the
- main part of the base. They seem to lad on a isolated section of Stewart
- which is a very large airport.
- Our resaerch team visted Steward airport and found an isolated fenced off
- large airfield away from the main landing area marked "RESTRICTED" The
- Restricted area had a well kept flight line and grounds. On the grounds
- were several buildings which looked like hangers large enough to harbor
- several planes of medium size. For the several hours that we were there we
- saw no activity at all.
- We filed a Freedom Of Information Act request(FOIA) with the CIA to find
- out if the CIA was in fact using this area for some type of operation using
- small aircraft.We received an answer several weeks later from the CIA. In a
- lenthly double talking letter the CIA denied our request for information
- about their activities at Stewart. The reason they gave was National
- Security. This denial in our eyes is an admission that the planes do in
- fact belong to the CIA. It is also apparent that the pilots who fly these
- planes are expert military type pilots with years of experience in
- formation flying.
- What was going on in this restricted area? I was contacted by a member of
- the local Newburgh New York media. This person told me that about six
- months before our visit to Stewart he found the restricted area on the
- base,became curious and started to walk toward the inside perimeter. Out of
- no where a jeep came screaming to a halt and three military
- police(Airforce) got out of the jeep and took him by force to a building
- just inside the gate. He was placed in a room that was dimly lite with just
- a table and chair. After about fifteen minutes two men entered the room
- dresssed in dark suits and began to question him. They had a computer print
- out in their hands and it had his name on it. He told me that they knew
- everything about him.
- After about one hour of questions,they then called his supervisor at his
- Job to pick him up. They then placed him in a jeep and took him to the
- public area of Stewart Airfield. This member of the media is a newsperson
- in the Newburgh area and does not want his name used at all in regards to
- the experience he had at the restricted area at Stewart. He is still
- fearful that who ever they were that questioned him might be keeping an eye
- on him. He told me that he felt they were with the CIA and they meant
- business.
- During our investigation concerning this restricted area at Stewart we
- found out that the base now harbors several C-5A's the largest transport
- jet that our Airforce has. We also found out from personnel at the base
- that these C-5A's landed on the restricted airfield several years ago and
- cargo was unloaded. We also found out through a document search that the
- Ait National Guard is no longer officialy running the un-restricted area of
- the base. It is now under the command of the Navy and the Marines are
- running it and have been since 1973! This was strange since when we visted
- Stewart we saw Airforce personnel there and even had a talk with a Master
- Sergent.
- We also found out that the Department of Agriculture was also using a
- section of the restricted area. After a great deal of getting the run
- around we found out that they are using the area for a holding place for
- animals. We found out that a great deal of cattle and other animals were
- flown in to this area. We are still waiting for documents from the USDA
- explaining where the animals are coming from,why cattle and where are they
- going from there. Of course when we found out that cattle were being flown
- into this area the thought of cattle mutilations crossed our minds. What
- was the strange conection with the mutilations and the UFOS. What was the
- connection between the restricted area at Stewart, the CIA, the mystery
- planes and the USDA and the cattle.
- North Putnam County and parts of Westchester county are the site of many
- old abandoned iron ore mines. Most of the mines have been closed down with
- the openings sealed.Many of these openings are located in miles of thick
- woods overgrown with brush, almost impossible to find. I received a phone
- call from a well known UFO investigator who suggested that these old mines
- might be the location of an alien base and that the CIA as well as other
- agencies were operating out of Stewart to keep "an eye" on their
- operations. I don't know about this theory,but can only relate the facts.
- There are and have been thousands of UFO reports in the Hudson Valley and
- Connecticut since 1982. Aircraft have been seen on a regular basis since
- the publication of NIGHT SIEGE. These Air craft are without a doubt trying
- to discredit the sightings. These aircraft have been tracked to Stewart
- Airfield where they land in a restricted area. These aircraft are of the
- O-2 type used by the CIA. The CIA will not provide any information about
- their activities at Stewart because of reasons of National Security.
- In September of 1988 I did a number of TV shows ,newspaper and radio
- interviews I talked about the possibility that the CIA was trying to
- coverup the UFO sightings by flying special aircraft with non-regulation
- lighting. In the days to follow the mystery aircraft were no longer
- reported in the skies over the Hudson Valley and have not been seen since.
- Our investigation still continues.
- To contact the author please write to PO Box 4218 Greenwich Connecticut
- 06830.
- [end]
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